
Embracing My Stoma: A Journey of Self-Love and Acceptance

Embracing My Stoma: A Journey of Self-Love and Acceptance

Learning to accept my stoma and my new body has been a profound journey of self-love and growth, and I’m here to offer advice and tips for anyone who might be struggling after surgery.

Acknowledging My Emotions:
I’ll be honest, post-surgery emotions hit me like a tidal wave. I allowed myself to grieve the body I once had while recognizing the courage it took to undergo the procedure. It’s okay to feel a mix of emotions, and it’s crucial to give yourself permission to experience them fully. My best advice would be to just let yourself feel all those different emotions, you’re only human.

Educating Myself:
Knowledge truly is power. I dove headfirst into learning about my stoma, its function, and how to care for it. The more I understood, the less fear I felt. Don’t hesitate to ask your medical team questions or research on your own – knowledge can empower you. After a while you build a routine and become in tune with your body and your stoma.

Connecting with My Stoma Tribe:
One of the most incredible things I did was join stoma support groups or following some ostomates on social media. Connecting with others who’ve been through similar experiences provided me with a sense of belonging and encouragement. Sharing stories, challenges, and triumphs helped me realize I wasn’t alone on this journey.

Showing Myself Compassion:
This one was tough, but so important. Treating myself with kindness and understanding was a game-changer. I started speaking to myself like I would to a good friend, and gradually, self-criticism began to fade away.

Celebrating My Body’s Strength:
Instead of focusing on how my body looked, I shifted my attention to what it could do. Engaging in activities that brought me joy – like surfing and hiking – made me appreciate my body’s resilience and strength. Each small victory became a testament to my progress.

Seeking Professional Guidance:
If the journey feels overwhelming, remember it’s okay to seek help. I decided to consult a mental health professional, and it was a game-changer. Their guidance equipped me with tools to navigate my emotions and develop a more positive self-image.

Embracing my stoma has been a journey filled with growth, challenges, and ultimately, self-love. I want you to know that you’re not alone in this. Pelican’s website is a treasure trove of resources, from stoma care products to lifestyle tips and stories of others who’ve walked this path.

Remember, your journey is a testament to your strength. You have the power to embrace change and live a fulfilling life with your stoma. We’re all in this together! 💙🌈