
New Year, Same Me

Hey, my lovely Pelican friends,

It’s that’s time of year where we are confused to what day it is. I hope you had a fantastic Christmas however you spent it. I know a lot of people sadly either had covid or had family who did so plans were cancelled or put on hold. I was very lucky to have a covid free Christmas and spend time with my loved ones.   I must admit though, my favourite part of a Christmas dinner is by far my Nans roast potatoes, they are the BEST.

I wanted to catch you up in this month’s blog on what I have been up too but also some advice I would give for you to take into the new year.

So, for Christmas eve I did something I have wanted to do for years but Crohn’s had got in the way and then covid hit last year. I helped with the homeless and vulnerable in my local town.  I went to a centre and had to help with any hot/cold drinks they wanted and food. I also got to speak to some of them on a more personal level. I met an amazing lady who really did make me realise the things we take for granted and how lucky we are. There’s me always wanting to buy new coats and this one lady is grateful for the one she already has. It really was an eye opener, and I am so happy that I got to help.

I also shot a campaign for Zebedee models in collaboration with Impact a digital online platform. This project is called ‘A World Re-Imagined’ the point of this was to show what a more inclusive world could look like. Where iconic images were more representative of our society.

I had to re-create Kate Moss’s iconic Calvin Klein image. I loved being part of this campaign and again breaking more stigmas and showing we are just as worthy and capable.  Photo credit for the images of myself go to @emilybloomerphotography_.

2022 is upon us already! Can you believe how time has flown by, it’s scary.  I just want to make a point of something I think is truly important.  You do not need to live by the saying ‘New year, New me’ you do not need to feel like you must change things about yourself because it’s ‘tradition’ as such. If you want to make a list of goals you would like to achieve in 2022 then do it, I think that’s such a good idea, but if you do not want to that is also okay. There is no right or wrong and we need to stop letting society make us feel guilty for these things. You also do not have to go on some crazy diet in the new year to make up for all the food you’ve consumed over the festive period – again it is allowed, you are allowed to treat yourself with yummy foods. What you should not be allowed to do is feel guilty about it after.

Already I have seen advertisements for work out apps, or diet plans to get that ‘New Year, new me’ body and I think it’s terrible how companies are still profiting from making people feel insecure and that there is something wrong with their body. Do not feel guilty about the food you have consumed. As I always say – we live once. If you want to go back to the gym, then that’s fine – and if you don’t until mid-February or not at all because it isn’t for you that’s also just as fine.

One thing I would also say for you to take into the new year is putting yourself first and getting rid of anybody or anything that does not provide you with positive energy. Start also saying no to plans that you do not want to do without feeling guilty. Meditation is so good for our souls and one of my new resolutions is to meditate every day even if it is just for 5-10 minutes.

I cannot wait to see what 2022 brings us. I wish you all a happy new year and lots of positive energy!

See you next month.


Natalie-Amber x



Meet the blogger: Natalie-Amber

Meet Natalie-Amber, a model and local BBC Radio Presenter from Swindon.