
Rising above negativity

Rising above negativity

Living with a stoma introduces a unique set of challenges, one of which is facing negative words and attitudes from others. Dealing with this aspect of life requires resilience, self-love, and a commitment to maintaining your sense of worth.

The Weight of Negativity
Negativity can come in various forms—whether it’s insensitive comments, ignorant remarks, or even the unspoken discomfort in someone’s gaze. When confronted with negativity related to your stoma, it’s important to remember that these words reflect the speaker’s ignorance or discomfort rather than any shortcomings on your part.

Choosing the Right Time to Share
Deciding when and how to tell people about your stoma can be a delicate task. Some individuals prefer to share this aspect of their life early on, promoting openness and fostering understanding. Others may choose to wait until a deeper connection is established. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so trust your instincts and share when you feel comfortable. Personally, I’m an open book and tend to share my story from the get go.

Embrace and Educate
Embracing your stoma involves more than just accepting it yourself; it’s about educating others and fostering a supportive environment. By openly discussing your experience, you not only empower yourself but also contribute to breaking down stigmas and misconceptions. Remember, knowledge is a powerful tool in dispelling negativity.

Fake It Till You Make It (my go-to)
The age-old advice of “fake it till you make it” holds true when navigating negativity. Confidence is a shield against ignorance and insensitivity. Even on days when I may not feel at my strongest, projecting confidence often helps me change the narrative. Stand tall, be proud of your journey, and let your resilience shine through.

Your Worth Is Unaffected
No negative words or judgment should ever diminish your worth. A stoma is a part of your story, not the definition of who you are. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and don’t let anyone make you feel less than whole. You are resilient and deserving of love and respect!

Educating Ignorance
Sometimes, negativity stems from a lack of understanding. Seize these moments as opportunities for education. Share your story, explain the purpose of your stoma, and emphasize that it doesn’t define you.

In conclusion, facing negativity related to your stoma is undoubtedly challenging, but it’s essential to remember that your worth remains unaltered. Embrace your journey, educate those around you, and stand tall with confidence. You are not defined by negative words or attitudes; you are defined by your resilience, courage, and the strength to embrace every aspect of your life.


Thank you for reading!

Ange (@thebaglife_) xx