
Self-love With A Stoma

Self-love With A Stoma

So as February is the month of LOVE I thought I would share my tips on how to give yourself the love and credit you deserve if you are, like me, living with a stoma.

Be grateful

The first thing for me which I always try to remember is to be grateful. This can be hard. However, even on the toughest of days when everything feels too much, I always do my best to think there are people in far worse situations than I am and that I am in a far better health than I was 2 years ago. This then helps me find perspective.

I got incredibly poorly before my stoma surgery with Crohn’s Disease flares, to the point where I couldn’t eat a meal, barely sip water or be more than a few metres away from the toilet. Having my stoma has improved my quality of life so much, that I couldn’t not love that little bit of pokey out small bowel.

Don’t compare your journey to others

Next up…’comparison is the thief of joy’…as difficult as it may be, I really do my best to not compare my body or my personal journey to others. Social media can be a wonderful place but at times for me over the last few years I’ve also found it difficult. It’s so easy to scroll for hours and feel down about how you want to be, or what you wish you had. I’ve found a good way to control this now, and I limit how long I scroll and I am really aware of how I feel when I look at a post that makes me compare myself. In a way this mindset has helped me to actually celebrate others more because I no longer look at others in that way; so definitely focus on yourself and your journey.

Love yourself

Finally, and probably most importantly. For you to love yourself and your stoma – do not worry about anyone else’s opinion. The moment you let go and have confidence in your own skin you will feel a weight lifted! Recently I was on a beach on holiday, I could see people looking at my bag but for the first time I was completely ok with people wondering what it was, and genuinely didn’t care.

This has taken time and certainly doesn’t happen overnight, just remember to surround yourself with people who champion you and that alone will stop you doubting yourself.

Much love,

Charlotte @char.crohnsftwilson xoxo 

Meet the blogger: Charlotte

Meet Charlotte, who was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 2009 and after years of trying medication after medication. She now lives with a new brand new stoma, named Wilson, which has given her her life back.