
Top tips for planning a weekend away with a stoma

Top tips for planning a weekend away with a stoma

By taking a few extra steps and following some helpful tips, you can embark on your weekend away with confidence. In this blog post, we will provide you with top tips to ensure a smooth and worry-free weekend away with your stoma.

  1. Stoma products: It’s crucial to ensure you have an ample supply of your stoma products, including pouches, seals, and other accessories you rely on. Pack more than you anticipate needing to prepare for unexpected situations or emergencies. Consider using products like eakin Cohesive® seals and eakin freeseal®, which provide added leak prevention and confidence, allowing you to enjoy your weekend getaway with peace of mind. Additionally, Pelican Perform can help thicken output, offering you more time to find a bathroom while exploring.
  2. Toilet facilities: Before finalising your get away location, take the time to research the available toilet facilities. Evaluate the accessibility of bathrooms and disposal options for used supplies. Keep your skin healthy and save time while out and about by using Pelican Release and Protect Plus, making pouch changes quicker. This way, you can focus on enjoying your weekend without worrying about discomfort.
  3. Hydration and diet: Proper hydration and a balanced diet are crucial for maintaining a healthy stoma and preventing complications. When traveling, it’s easy to overlook these essentials. Remember to carry a water bottle and stay hydrated throughout your journey. Pack snacks that you know work well for you, and won’t cause you any issues.
  4. Communication: If you’re traveling with friends or family, it’s important to inform them about your stoma and any special requirements you may have. Educate them ahead of time about your stoma and provide guidance on how they can assist you in case of an emergency.
  5. Plan for Emergencies: Despite thorough preparation, unforeseen circumstances can still arise. Research nearby hospitals or medical centers and make note of their contact information just in case you need them. It’s also recommended to carry a travel certificate that describes your condition, providing essential information if medical assistance is required. Visit this link to download a PDF copy of our Respond Travel Certificate.

Preparing for a weekend getaway with your stoma requires some additional planning, but it should never hinder your ability to enjoy a great holiday. So go ahead, plan that weekend escape, and create wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.